Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Welcome to the New-Look Sub Martis Blog!

The Sub Martis universe is all about life on or around the Red Planet and in Other Strange Places. Life and work on Mars from the Sub Martis viewpoint starts at Lowell Dome in Aonia Planum, and takes in Lowell College of the University of Mars (UMars).

Follow the adventures of Copper and Linen through the three books of the Sub Martis Trilogy: Dome Lowell, Dome Beagle and Starship. On the way, you'll find out how you can make a living (difficult, even if you have a degree), where to go for a beer, how to wash your socks and even why the Crest of the University of Mars is a mortar board and crossed shovels. And what happens when you dig strange things up from deep below the surface of the red planet.

For lots more information and maps of Lowell and Beagle Domes to help you find your way around, why not visit:

You'll also find information there on other places - the mapped galaxy is a big place after all. Keep smiling, it makes the universe wonder why...   Sx


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